Fake news
My trust in the old news you may find quite trite now,
but I did love it, just like I love you right now
then some jackass shredded the stories, stomped them to
sharable lies, and our minds just are not right, now
and then you claim the kind one is a pedophile —
betwitched by YouTube, you snort their spineless spite now,
smothering the other, bulwarks bulging with bull.
Will we still be us if I stay in the fight now?
A mother in Macon unfriended the grandchild
who plucked Eden’s apple and gave truth a bite; now
misled mothers or sisters or lovers, heed this —
seeing is no longer believing — we cite now
real facts like taxes and death that beg to be heard
in the court of the mind, can they come to light now?
And I, the explorer, still seek bricks made of clay,
in a land of straw men without honor or might, now